The new version of the mobile application is now available on both the iOS app store and Google Play store. Use this app to monitor checks on the go. View check details and metrics, configure and receive push notifications, manage alerts, and look over the account as a whole from your Apple or Android mobile device.
- Download
- Providing Access
- Login
- Reset Password
- Login with Magic Link
- SSO & 2FA
- Push Notifications
- Theme
- Account Selection
- Dashboards
- Checks
- Alerts
- Help Functions
- Logout
- Quick Actions
- Future Functionality
Search for “Uptime” in your respective app store (click the link to the iOS App Store or Google Play Store), find "", and click download.
Please note: there are a number of other applications with the name Uptime in them. Please be certain that it is “”, and that the logo matches the screenshot below.
Providing Access
To use the mobile app, each user must have this access granted through user management. Navigate to Settings > Users and add a new user or edit an existing user. The option “Enable Mobile App access” grants the ability to use the mobile app to the user, as seen in the image below.
Open the app, and login with your account email.
Next you’ll proceed to the next screen and login with either Single Sign-On (SSO) or your account password.
Single Sign-On (SSO) & Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
If you login with SSO, click the button to be redirected to your Identity Provider’s (IdP) login portal.
Please note: this option will require SSO to be enabled on the account, and requires SSO to be previously configured from the web UI. For more information and setup instructions, please see our documentation here.
If you login with a password and your account has 2FA enabled, the following screen will prompt for the code from your authentication application.
Reset Password
There is an option to reset the password once the username has been entered. Simply select the Send The Reset Link, to receive an email to reset the password.
Login with Magic Link has created the option to login with a one time magic link instead of username and password.
Select the button Send me a Magic Link to receive the link by email.
Press the Open mail app button, which will redirect you to your default email app.
In your email, you will see a Login. button. Click this link to navigate straight to your account in the App.
Single Sign-On (SSO) & Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
If you login with SSO, click the button to be redirected to your Identity Provider’s (IdP) login portal.
Please note: this option will require SSO to be enabled on the account, and requires SSO to be previously configured from the web UI. For more information and setup instructions, please see our documentation here.
If you login with password and your account has 2FA enabled, the following screen will prompt for the code from your authentication application.
Push Notifications
In order to be able to receive push notifications for alerts on your mobile device, enable the Receive notification toggle from selecting your profile icon situated at the top left, and select Notifications.
Select which contact(s) you wish to receive alert notifications for, or Select All to receive all account alert notifications.
The app also supports two visual themes: dark mode and light mode. By default, this will be set to auto (will take phone settings), but you will have the choice between the two.
To change themes, navigate to your profile icon and select Theme.
On the next screen, tap the desired theme to activate it immediately:
Account Selection
If your account has subaccounts enabled, toggle and select the necessary account to see it's checks, dashboards, and alerts.
Press on the profile icon, where you will need to press the current selected subaccount. This reveals a drop down menu which displays all available accounts for your user.
Please note: Only accounts with subaccounts configured can access this dropdown menu. If you have further questions, please contact
When you first login, you will see the Dashboard, the default home screen. There are three tabs across the bottom: Checks, Dashboard, and Alerts. For seamless transitions between interfaces, the mobile app dashboard mirrors the formatting and content of the web UI dashboard.
Please note: at time of publication, Dashboards can only be configured or adjusted in the web UI.
The Dashboard includes global metrics, individual check cards, and a list of recent alerts.
Dashboard Selection
Similar to accounts and subaccounts, an can have multiple Dashboards configured at once. From the default Dashboard tab, select the drop down box next to the Dashboard's title to reveal a list of available dashboards. Select the appropriate Dashboard, and it will refresh the screen accordingly.
Please note: This drop down selection menu is only visible if there is more than one Dashboard configured in the account. Currently, new Dashboards must be configured in the web UI before they can be used in the mobile app.
The leftmost menu screen is the Checks page, which displays all checks in the account. Check cards provide a brief overview of the check name, the current status of the check and the check type.
At the top of the screen is a search bar and filters. The filters are: Down, Maintenance, Up, and View.
The View option, will show the option to show paused checks and group check if applicable.
Select or de-select a filter to show the matching checks, or search directly by check name. For more filtering options, see Check Filters below.
Press the check to expand the check card and view the response time graph, what contacts are configured to receive alerts for the check.
Create Basic Checks
On the Checks tab on your app’s home screen, select the add check button , which opens the Add Check dialog box. The following Check Types are available on the Mobile app currently:
Web Checks
Network Check
- Ping (ICMP)
- TCP Port
- Whois/Domain Expiry
- Domain Blacklist
Set up the check as you would in the Web App, adding the name, locations, and URL, and any other configurations.
Once created, your check will appear on the main Checks page, as well as in your account on the web app.
Check Options
On the check card, if you select the 3 dots, this will provide you with three options:
- Pause Check
- Edit Check
- Delete Check
Check Details
Click the check name to access a new screen, Check Details. This shows more in-depth information like Uptime percentage over the past 24 hours, current status, outage history, and a more detailed response time graph with additional data points and full-screen capability.
From within Check Details, click the three dots button in the top right to download check history in PDF or Excel formats.
View additional details for the check such as advanced settings, escalation policies, and maintenance schedules.
View additional details for the check such as advanced settings and maintenance schedules.
Maintenance Schedules
Under the maintenance option, you will be able to set the check’s maintenance schedule, similar to the Web application.
You will see the same options:
- No Maintenance Window
- Under Maintenance Now
- Use Maintenance Schedule
Check Filters
In addition to filtering by check state, you can also filter available checks by tags and check type. To the right of the search bar, click the icon to select the required filter(s), and then again to specify the exact tag or check type.
To make ensure the view is properly filtered, click the three dots on the check card, select edit, and under the Basic section, the tags will be visible
The same happens with filtering by check type. Selecting any check type will return all the checks that match.
On the check card, you will be able to see the correct check type that was filtered.
Please note: Active tag or check type filters are noted by a small blue dot next to the Filter icon. Filter selections are saved between sessions while minimized, but will reset if the app is fully closed.
Once Push Notifications have been selected for the appropriate contact groups, subsequent check alerts will be sent to your mobile device, in addition to any other alerts through other channels such as email, SMS, or third-party integration.
Alert Details
Click on any alert's push notification icon, or the listing in the "Recent Alerts" section of the Dashboard, to view the Alert Details.
To view all account alerts, select the rightmost tab on the bottom navigation bar for Alerts. This will show a chronological list of all account alerts, with filters for Ongoing or Resolved.
Ignore Alerts
Click the three dots button on a specific alert to Ignore Alert or View Check. Ignored alerts will be visible with a faded green or red colour, depending on whether the alert is ongoing or resolved.
To reverse this process, click the three dots button on the alert again and select Don't ignore alert.
As a reminder, ignoring alerts will have wider effects on the check itself. Ignored alerts will be marked differently by the faded colour, and all downtime associated with the alert will not be recorded.
Click View Check, to view the Alert Log section of the Check Details, which will show historical check failure details and any associated errors.
Please note: at the time of publication, Real-time and Root Cause Analysis is only available in the web UI.
Help Functions
Within the Mobile app, it is possible to view the support documentation and contact the support team.
If you press the your profile icon button situated in the top left corner, proceed to select the Help button, where you will see the Documentation and Contact Support options.
Both features, match the same functionality of the web UI
To logout of your account, simply select the Logout button on your account profile.
Quick Actions
If you do hold down on the app from your device home screen, then you will see the following quick menu options:
- Add Check
- View Checks
- View Alerts
Future Functionality
We are committed to continuous feature and functionality upgrades to keep our mobile app in line with the web UI. Stay tuned for future updates and releases.
If you have any questions, please contact