Do you have suggestions for how to improve the platform, or is there a feature that would be helpful for you to achieve your use case?
We are always interested in suggestions and potential improvements or new features. Feedback from customers is the primary driver for our product and development roadmap and is considered for every new feature or improvement to the platform.
If you’d like to suggest a new feature or an improvement to our existing platform, there is an easy way to submit your suggestions.While logged in to, click the arrow next to your username in the lower left and select the Suggest a Feature button:
This will navigate you to our feedback page where you can click the Create a New Post button to suggest an improvement or new feature:
Every post submitted here is reviewed by our product and development teams and is considered in our future roadmap.
You can also click the Roadmap button to view a quick layout of upcoming features:
As always, we welcome feedback about our product and ways that we can improve. Our customers’ feedback has guided our progress and is invaluable in developing future plans.