Configuring Aria Operations for Applications (Formerly Wavefront)

Aria Operations for Applications is an enterprise-grade cloud monitoring and analytics platform developed by VMWare. The integration allows you to push alert events and response time metrics to Operations for Applications, and we have worked together to make it seamless. To get started, you will first need to set up a Operations for Applications account at

Integration Functionality

  • When an alert is created within, an event is created in Operations for Applications and the downtime may be tracked in a Operations for Applications dashboard.
  • Response time metrics for your checks may be tracked and graphed in an Operations for Applications dashboard.
  • Metrics will update every five minutes with five data points from one-minute checks.

Table of Contents

Integration Setup


To complete this integration, you must first login to your Operations for Applications account and take note of the root URL. A typical example looks like “”, but your root URL may differ. Please make note of this root URL.

To continue with setup, please choose one of the three Authentication Methods, described below:


Authenticate with a CSP API Token


Please navigate to VMWare’s official guide on generating a CSP API Token. Once generated, please enter your CSP Hostname URL in the corresponding field while leaving the “CSP 0Auth App ID” field blank. Finally, paste your generated API token into the  "API Token / OAuth App Secret" field.


Authenticate with a CSP Server to Server 0Auth App


Please navigate to VMWare’s official guide to create a Server to Server 0Auth App in your CSP organization. Once created, enter your CSP Hostname URL in the corresponding field. Additionally, you will need to copy the CSP App ID into the "CSP OAuth App ID" field, and then copy your CSP App Secret into the "API Token / OAuth App Secret" field.


Authenticate with a Legacy API Token


To use this method, please login to your VMWare account and select the settings cog in the upper right-hand corner of the webpage. Once your profile’s menu has appeared, select your email address from the list.

Once your profile page is loaded, please select the API Access option. Here you will see a list of your currently usable API Tokens. Scroll to the bottom of this list and select the Generate option. Once your API Token has been generated, copy the Token and paste it into the  "API Token / OAuth App Secret" field in your account.

Once you've configured your Wavefront integration, you will need to assign it to a contact and make sure that contact is notified when a Check fails.

Assign Integration to Contacts


To add your integration to an existing contact, click on or type the name of the contact into the Assign to Contacts field within the integration setup screen. 

You can designate a new contact from within the integration setup. Simply enter the name of your new contact into the Assign to Contacts field, and select it as depicted below: will create a new contact and assign the integration to it. You can find this contact when you click Notifications > Contact.

Assign Integration Contact to a Check


If you have created a new or dedicated contact for your integration, you will need to add it to specific checks. If you have assigned the integration to a contact that is already assigned to one (or more) checks, you may skip this step.

Return to your Check’s Edit screen and assign this contact to the Contacts field to be notified of a downtime event. Metrics will update every five minutes with five data points from one-minute checks. On initial setup, metric data may take up to 30 minutes to appear.   

Please note: Response time data is stored based on account usage. stores hourly data for a maximum of 90 days, and daily check data for a period of up to 24 months.  

Test Your Integration


Test your integration with one of the following two options:

  1. Force the Check assigned to your Integration to fail by altering it (HTTPS checks can use a misspelling of the domain, for example)
  2. Click Notifications > Contacts, then click Actions > Test to send a test to the Contact


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