
Atlassian is a status page platform for your app, web service or developer API. The integration allows you to push alerts and metrics to their platform, and we have worked together to make the integration seamless. To get started, you will first need to set up a StatusPage account at requires the following:

  • Page ID
  • API Key
  • Component ID or Metric ID

Integration Functionality

Integration with Atlassian StatusPage allows for the following:

  • When an alert is created in, an alert is created in StatusPage automatically through the integration.
  • When the alert is cleared on, the related alert is closed in StatusPage.
  • Check response time metrics from within
  • Metrics will appear in 15-minute intervals

Table of Contents

Integration Setup


First, log in to your StatusPage account and click the bottom-left user icon menu. Select "API Info", then copy the "API User Key" and "Page ID" values into the corresponding fields of your integration. allows the use of one Component ID and one metric ID per check. You will need to create a new component and metric in, and a new integration in, where the only difference between the integrations is the Component ID and Metric ID. Please note the metrics will appear in initially only after 30 min from saving the settings. 

In some cases will request that you make this metric visible on your page.

Adding a Component ID


A Component ID is one of many individual pieces of infrastructure that are listed on your status page. A Component is equal to a check, and you will need to create a component for each check you want to display on your status page. To update the Component ID you’ve designated when an alert is triggered, login to and click Components. To find the Component ID, hover over the Edit link (or click "Edit") and copy it from the page's URL. (The Component ID is the last string within the URL, eg "y0jf83vrf5qb").

Adding a Metric ID


If you wish to display a custom metric with response times, each metric will require its own Metric ID. Login to and click on Your Page > System Metrics, then Add a Metric. Select I'll submit my own data for this metric and provide a metric name and unit. On the following page copy the metric_id value into the corresponding field above.

Alternatively, to find the Metric ID of an existing metric, click the Edit link beside your metric, go to the Advanced Options tab and copy the Metric ID value shown there.

NOTE: Metrics may take up to 30 minutes to appear, after the integration has been assigned to a Contact & Check.

Once you've configured your StatusPage integration, you will need to assign it to the contact specific to the check you wish to display on your Status Page.

Assign Integration to Contacts


To add your integration to an existing contact, click on or type the name of the contact into the Assign to Contacts field within the integration setup screen. 

You can designate a new contact from within the integration setup. Simply enter the name of your new contact into the Assign to Contacts field, and select it as depicted below: will create a new contact and assign the integration to it. You can find this contact when you click Notifications > Contact.

Assign Integration Contact to a Check


Each check will require its own integration contact, with associated Component ID, in order to display metrics and alert data on your Status Page. 

Return to your Check’s Edit screen and assign this contact to the Contacts field to be notified of a downtime event. Metrics will appear in 15-minute intervals. On initial setup, metric data may take up to 30 minutes to initially appear.

Data for one or five-minute interval checks is shown in averages of 15 minutes, with more precise metrics and the option to download metrics available from This data also includes response time per location.

Please note: Response time data is stored based on account usage. stores hourly data for a maximum of 90 days, and daily check data for a period of up to 24 months.

Test Your Integration


Test your integration with one of the following two options:

  1. Force the Check assigned to your Integration to fail by altering it (HTTPS checks can use a misspelling of the domain, for example)
  2. Click Notifications > Contacts, then click Actions > Test to send a test to the Contact


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