Reports are accessible at all times from either your Dashboard or from each check as Check Analysis. This is a measure of downtime and associated incidents for a given period of time
The Uptime Check Analysis differs from Alerts, which focus more on downtime causes, or the Audit Log, which shows major changes to a check or your account.
- Elements of an Report
- NTP Reporting
- Share Check Analysis
- Downloading Reports
- Scheduling SLA Reports
- Final Thoughts
Elements of an Check Analysis
The Uptime Check Analysis has four major areas to be aware of:
We’ll look at each area in detail below.
Selecting Dates for Reporting
By default, the Uptime Check Analysis screen displays incident and performance data for the past 24 hours. Click the Date field to fill in specific dates, or use one of the presets on the right-hand side.
Uptime Check Analysis provides detailed downtime and alert data and allows you to review past historic data for a period of time you’ve selected. Use this analysis to compare outages for a given period of time, track improvements, or view uptime for the month or year.
Next Gen UI
When using the new check experience option on the Check Analysis page, the date range filter includes two additional options:
- Last hour
- Last 4 hours
Performance Graphs
Response time metrics are calculated based on your check configuration:
- HTTP Check without a String to Expect: time to receive 200 OK
- HTTP Check with String to Expect: Time to fully load the HTML only (no css, javascript, images, etc. which we don't load at all)
- Transaction Check: Time to fully load the page, all images, and run initial javascript, etc. Response time is a measure of all steps.
- API Check: Time to run through all steps within the API check. Steps may include resolving status, making a request or receiving a response.
Response time is heavily dependent on location. For example, a probe server in Australia will typically see a higher response time connecting to a server based in New York than a probe based in the US.
There are two performance graphs within Uptime Check Analysis. The first visualizes response time as a line graph, which measures average response across all locations (you may also filter by location).
The second is the Alert Log, a color-coded bar to visualize up and down time. If your bar is grayed out, or not filled in, does not have data for this period.
Important data retention limits to keep aware of include:
- Metric data is retained in 15-minute intervals after 30 days
- Hourly data is retained for a maximum of 90 days depending on your account plan
- Daily aggregated data is retained for a maximum of two years depending on your account plan
Outage Representation on Response Time Graphs
In addition to the color coded Alert Log, outages are also represented by a light red overlay over the response time graph for the period the check was reported down.
The light red overlay will correlate the time and date of the alert, as shown in the alert log. Once the check returns to an UP state, the overlay will still be visible for the downtime period when changing the time frame of the view.
Color-Coded Graphs uses three color-coded graph types, found on the Dashboard and Checks screen, to indicate the severity of performance issues. Graphs are based on the calculated Target SLA%, and SLA Response Time Values that have been configured for each check.
- Blue: the check is below any thresholds that indicate a performance issue
- Orange: the check performance is above the Blue threshold, which may indicate degraded performance.
- Red: Response time is considered high for this check type, and performance is above the Orange threshold. We recommend investigating red color coded graphs for performance issues.
A check, check card, or response time graph changes its color coding when the average of these graphs meet the following thresholds:
Target SLA %
> Above the Target SLA % (Blue)
> Halfway to Target SLA % (Orange)
> Below the Target SLA % (Red)
Example: If the Target SLA% is 90%, the graph will be Blue 100%-95%, Orange 94.99%-90%, and Red at or below 89.99%.
Target Response Time SLA (secs)
> Below 70% of Target Response Time SLA (Blue)
> 70% - 100% of Target Response Time SLA (Orange)
> Above 100% of Target Response Time SLA (Red)
Example: If the Target Response Time SLA is 10 seconds, graph will be blue 0-7s, Orange 7.01-10s, and Red above 10s.
Alert Log
The Alert Log on the Uptime Check Analysis contains information about the previous changes in status to the probe servers associated with your check. Use this space to determine when the probe status shifted from OK to CRITICAL, the reason for downtime and the duration of the downtime with some technical details to help summarize the issue.
Your account type determines how long alert data is retained. Please see the History Retention entry from your Account Usage page to see the specified time for your account type.
Note: Ignored Alerts will still be visible on the Alert log section of the Check Analysis page and will be labeled with an “Alert Ignored” badge. Ignored alerts are not included in downtime calculations.
Please Note: deleted check alert data will be non-recoverable after 30 days.
Summary Sidebar
The sidebar on the right-hand side contains a summary of everything you will see in the Uptime Check Analysis. It’s not as detailed, but it provides an at-a-glance summary of what your reporting shows, as well as a link to your real-time analysis for the check.
The components of the sidebar can be broken down as follows:
Displays the current up/down status of the check, how long the check has been in its current state, and the date and time at which the check entered its current state.
In the above screenshot, the check has been in UP status for139d 1h 42m, and its current UP status began on May 2024 at 6:17:19 PM EEST.
The percentage of time that the check has been in the UP status in the selected date range. Note that this only counts actual monitoring time: if a check is paused or in a maintenance window, that time will not count toward this uptime calculation.
The percentage of time that the check has been in the DOWN status in the selected date range.
The most recent date and time that the check experienced downtime. In the screenshot example, the most recent downtime was on May, 2024 at 5:39:21 PM EEST, and lasted 37 minutes and 57 seconds.
Provides the option to drill down into your check’s data.
Displays any tags that have been set up to be assigned to the check.
Note: Tags are only visible when using the Uptime NextGen UI.
You can install the Widget on your website, which allows your users immediate visibility into your website's uptime statistics.
Check Analysis in NextGen UI
The NextGen UI offers enhancements to the Check Analysis page. Currently, the classic UI is used by default. However, if you would like to test the enhancements, use the link in the banner at the top of the Check Analysis page. As a reminder, you can switch back to the classic experience at any time.
Response Time Graph
The Response Time graph has been reworked in the NextGen UI to allow intuitive per-location visualization of performance.
Each location’s performance is represented on the graph simultaneously to provide a complete picture of performance in general, and across specific locations.
The legend below the graph is color-coded and corresponds with each location’s performance in the date range:
Click on a location to add or remove it from the graph and view only the desired locations. Locations that have been removed from the graph are indicated by a strikethrough:
Outages are indicated by a vertical red bar in the Response Time graph corresponding to the date and time of the outage:
Zooming into the Response Time Graph
The Response Time graph can be zoomed to view a smaller portion of the graph than the default view. To zoom, left click on a position within the graph then drag to the end of the desired view range. Use the Reset Zoom button to reset the graph to its default zoom level. This will allow you to review metrics up to a minimum of 1 min interval providing the total time period is in a range is less or equal to 6 hours:
Our chart will display the response time in:
- daily average (if selected range is 7 days +)
- hourly average (if selected range is 24 hours+)
- 15 minutes (range is between 6 and 24 hours)
- up to 1 minute (range is less or equal to 6 hours)
Uptime Visualization
To quickly see a larger chronological overview of check status changes, navigate to the Check Analysis page and view the Uptime graph above the Alert Log. This graph uses 3 colors to indicate check status:
Green → Uptime
Red → Downtime
Gray → Unknown (No response found/check was paused)
Above the bars, a red dot is displayed when DOWN status occurred in the time interval represented by the bar.
Note: Unknown (Gray) is displayed when historical data is not available (i.e., the check was recently created) or when the service does not have response data and no alert has been created.
The number of bars displayed on the graph scales automatically to best represent the date range selected. Following is the breakdown of bars that will be displayed, according to the number of days selected in the date picker:
- Last 24 hours:24 bars
- 7 days; 7 bars
- 14 days: 14 bars
- 30 days: 30 bars
Therefore, if you change to see the previous 5 or 10 days, the Uptime Bar will change accordingly.
NTP and Other Kinds of Reporting
NTP Reporting is slightly different from other reporting, in that the graph does not measure performance but rather measures offset with the network time protocol server. Note in this NTP check example that response time is well below the NTP fail threshold of 1,000 milliseconds:
Information on RUM Reporting can be found here. The RUM report will provide you with real-time data regarding the average page load from sites where a Real User Monitoring check was created.
Information on Status Pages can be found here. Status Pages provide the ability to display your uptime checks in a private status page or on a public URL. Users can also create SLA Reports, which allow organizations to report on specific checks or systems for the purposes of SLA accountability.
For Group Check reporting, see our article on Group Checks.
Share Check Analysis allows you to share a specific check’s analysis externally. To do so, navigate to Check Analysis for the check and select Share Check Analysis, then click the Copy Link option. By doing so, you will be able to provide the link to anyone who will be able to review the analysis only.
Please Note: to enable this feature, confirm you have selected the checkbox found in Settings > Account Details.
When viewing Shared Reports, use the Locations drop-down to view Response Time metrics for a single location, or use All Locations to view aggregated metrics:
There is also an option on the Shared Report to select the desired timezone to view the metrics in.
To select a timezone, click the drop-down located at the top right of the Shared Report page:
The report will update automatically, displaying all time-based information in the selected timezone. This feature is particularly useful for sharing with customers or teams spread across different geographical locations, ensuring everyone can easily interpret the data in their local time.
Downloading Reports
To download any check's report, click Monitoring > Checks, locate the check you wish to download a report of, then click the "three dots" button, then Report. Click the blue Download button, and select between either XLS or PDF. Remember: set the date range accordingly (the default report screen displays activity for the previous 24 hours).
Please note: Check Reports are for individual checks, whereas SLA Reports are for multiple checks grouped together.
Scheduling SLA Reports
To schedule a SLA Report, click Reports > Scheduled Reports. Scheduled reports deliver a PDF or XLS document to either users or email address(es) you select. You may wish to add users specifically for the purpose of receiving this report, but it is also possible to send reports to external email addresses.
Please note: A scheduled report can be sent to a maximum of 100 recipients (which includes both external email addresses and users within your account).
A weekly report is scheduled for all users for all checks by default. Reports can be scheduled or re-scheduled for delivery at the following recurrences:
- Daily on the day and time you select.
- Weekly, delivered at the date and time you select.
- Monthly, delivered on the first day of the month at the time you select.
- Quarterly, delivered on the first day of each quarter at the time you select.
- Yearly on the first of each year, delivered at the time you select.
Final Thoughts makes communicating monitoring results, metrics, and data easy with Reports. Schedule reports to be sent to key stakeholders at defined intervals, or download any given check's data in your preferred format whenever needed.
If you need any assistance, please reach out to for help!