A RUM: Legacy report provides real-time data surrounding the average page load time for your website, and the data is provided for various countries, URLs, browsers, and devices.
- RUM: Legacy Setup
- RUM: Legacy Code
- RUM Check Requirements
- Managing URL Patterns
- RUM: Legacy Reports
- RUM: Legacy Report Data
RUM: Legacy Setup
In order to begin to generate RUM reports, you will need to first add a Real User Monitoring check under Monitoring > Checks, followed by Add New. Select Real User Monitoring from the Check Type drop down menu.
RUM: Legacy Code
Once you save the check, a RUM code will populate within the check. The HTML snippet that is provided when creating the check will need to be placed before your site's closing </body> tag. This will enable RUM checks on all the pages where the HTML snippet appears. The illustration below provides an example of adding a Real User Monitoring check. The following describes the fields provided when creating a Real User Monitoring check:
RUM Check Requirements
Name of Check: Enter the name of your check.
Contacts: Select a contact group for your check.
Check Type: Select “Real User Monitoring” as the check type.
Domain: Enter the domain for your check e.g. google.com.
Max Load Time: An alert will be raised if the average load time on your pages exceeds the value that is placed in this field. Furthermore, there must be 10 or more page loads from your pages before this alert can be raised. Once this alert is raised, you will receive a recovery notification once the average page load is less than 1 of the value placed in this field. For example, if your max load time value is set to 5 and the alert was raised due to the average load exceeding that value, then a recovery notification will not be sent until the average load time is 3.99 or less.
Managing URL Patterns
Once the aforementioned HTML snippet is placed on your desired web pages, you can create URL patterns and assign them to specific groups so that you can track the various URLs from your site. The average load time and the total number of requests for the groups you create will display under the Page/Group section of the RUM report.
Furthermore, you can reach the Manage URL Patterns page when you click on Monitoring>Real User Monitoring>Manage URL Patterns (see screenshot above). Once on the page, click the New URL Prefix button as shown in the illustration below in order to setup prefixes from additional URLs you desire to track.
RUM: Legacy Reports
The RUM report will provide you with real-time data regarding the average page load from sites where a Real User Monitoring check was created. Please note: In order to begin to generate RUM reports, you will need to first add a Real User Monitoring code snippet to your website.
The report also allows you to export a CSV of your RUM requests in order to further analyze the data within your reports. In order to view a RUM report, go to Reports>Real User Monitoring Reports, then choose a desired report from the report list as shown in the illustrated example below.
Load Time from a RUM Report
RUM: Legacy Report Data
Once you’ve selected a report, you will be presented with the data for your report based on your selected date range. RUM data is selected at 12:00 am UTC, then converted to your preferred local Timezone. When selecting several day’s worth of data, be aware that the data begins at 12AM UTC on the first of the days you’ve selected. You will receive all data points local to your account's preferred timezone if you download the CSV file containing outage data.The following provides a description of the data provided in the report:
Average statistics from the right-hand sidebar
Average Load Time: This represents the average load time for all URLs being tracked within your website(s).
Average First Render Time: This marks the point when the DOM is ready, and there are no style sheets blocking the JavaScript execution - meaning the browser can now (potentially) construct the render tree. This is an important metric for most websites because if there is a slow first potential paint time, users might be tempted to abandon the loading of the application.
Recorded Page Loads: This represents the total number of page loads for all URLs on your site based on your selected date range.
Unique Pages: This represents the number of unique URLs that were visited during your selected date range.
Average Load Time Breakdown: The five gauges that compose this part of the report show the percentages of time on average for all of your total page loads.
The gauges will animate to provide you a feel for how long the browser could have been loading for your user. Please note that we don’t currently interject any kind of bandwidth calculation which can dramatically skew these results depending on your traffic latency.
The following provides summaries of the sub-gauge breakdown calculations:
- Connection: This represents the time it takes to perform a DNS lookup, establish the connection and send the web page request.
- Server: This represents the time it takes the server to process the request and initiate a response.
- Transfer: This value represents the time it takes for the browser to download the web page's HTML.
- DOM Rendering: This represents the time it takes for the browser to download any additional assets required to initially render the web page (EG. CSS Stylesheets). Note: Images and Javascript are not yet rendered in this phase.
- Assets/Onload: This represents the time it takes for the browser to fully load the page with images, videos, and the execution of any Javascript.
Mobile Devices vs. Desktop Performance: This represents the average page load received between mobile and desktop devices.
United States vs. International: This represents the average page load received between the United States and international countries.
User Locations: This map represents the locations which comprise your page loads. When you click on a country within the map, you will be provided with a breakdown for that country.
Pages: This section provides you with the number of requests and average page loads for each URL prefix and groups that are configured on the Manage URL Patterns Page. When you click on a link for a page/group, you will be provided with a breakdown for that page/group.
- If there is a listing for “Unmatched URLs”, then this is related to URLs that you’ve not created a specific URL prefix for. Please review the Managing URL Patterns heading in this article for documentation on creating URL prefixes.
Browsers: This section provides you with the number of requests and average page loads per browser.
RUM requests are throttled to once every 30 seconds. All users are throttled to ensure the allotted 100,000 requests per month are distributed evenly across the period.